Don't fall for the belief that as a massage therapist, you're in competition with everyone else who works in this field. Instead, it's better to think collaboratively. If you attend trade shows or other events geared toward this profession, you'll often meet other massage therapists who work in your area. You can then begin to build a network of other therapists with the goal of being able to refer clients to them. And, ideally, they'll also refer clients to you. Here are some qualities in other therapists that you should seek out.
Deeper Pressure
Some massage therapists naturally give lighter pressure, whether to save their bodies or because they simply do not have the strength or weight to apply deep pressure. In some cases, you'll have clients who require pressure that is deeper than you're able to give. Instead of giving these clients a massage that doesn't deliver, it's better to be able to refer them to a therapist you know who excels in deeper pressure massages. Perhaps it's a therapist who has a larger stature that makes it easier to deliver such pressure to his or her clients.
Different Approach
Just like some massage clients enjoy talking during their treatments and others prefer to stay quiet, massage therapists can naturally be talkative or quiet. It's ideal if you can develop a base of clients who are in alignment with your approach to massage. For example, if you're naturally quiet, you may not want a client who prefers to talk for the entirety of the massage. And, conversely, a chatty massage therapist may find it a challenge to work with someone who doesn't talk much. If you have a network of other massage therapists, you can easily refer an overly quiet or chatty client to the right therapist.
Areas Of Specialty
Although your training as a massage therapist prepares you to treat people with a variety of health issues, the reality is that some therapists do a better job in certain areas. This means that you may know your limitations or weaknesses as a massage therapist, but also know a fellow therapist who excels in these areas. For example, perhaps you have a track record of success with helping people to relax and reduce their stress, but you struggle with helping clients who have lower back pain. If you know someone in your network who specializes in treating lower back pain, you can refer these clients to him or her.